The Mask You Live In — Trailer
The Mask You Live In — Trailer

The Mask You Live In — Trailer

❤ 1105 , Категория: Новости,   ⚑ 09 Окт 2016г

From the team behind Miss Representation. Coming in 2014, an exploration of American masculinity.


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22 отзывов - The Mask You Live In — Trailer

  1. Would be interesting to find out how many of those boys grew up in fatherless homes with no structure and guidance..

  2. the next stage of destroying masculinity in the long march of cultural marxism

  3. 24 seconds in i already feel like crying

  4. So many stereotypes and clichés that people never get a chance to be just human!

  5. I wanna see full movie, where I can get this one?

  6. The US is in big trouble in this regard.

  7. Ironic the comments are filled with examples of this vid being true.
    And it's a vid for men by men about men and women get still blamed even though it's nothing to do with them.

  8. She does a big mistake.
    Because Justice is a prerogative, a quality of nice guys, and there are many of them in the world.
    But girls and women preferer assholes and jerks.
    So boys, guys and men don't have to change.
    Girls and women have to.

  9. I think this isn't about man being feminine. It is about being able to show emotions within their family and with friends and ask for help when they need it.

  10. How to coddle a beta male.

  11. what is a man though? To me, a man is a guy who knows and takes care of his responsibilities.
    Confidence and self-esteem is about loving yourself.

    The idea because "don't cry" is that crying doesn't solve or fix your problems. It means to collect yourself and solve the problem in a way that emotions can't.

  12. Got to love how this whole movie talks about how boys are broken while the whole time skirting around the #1 reason why, which is fatherlessness. Instead they want to blame crap like video games and media with baseless anecdote that science actually contradicts.

  13. how can I see the full movie?

  14. This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT documentary for our times !!! …everyone should watch it boys, girls, men, women, mums, dads and friends.
    Seriously …watch it like our future development, peace and survival count on it !

  15. More people should watch this

  16. If I'm feeling conspiratorial, it's that they* know who we'*' are and I bet it's going be shown right at the start on this documentary whom it's focused on I.E. us'*'.

    *Doesn't matter who 'they' are, it can be the conspiracy group of your choice!
    '*'We, the drifters, loners, weirdos, outcasts, nobodies, inbetweens, dorks, group-less geeks, group-less nerds, esoterics, oddjobs and so on, people who in other words are hungry for the acceptance of others.

    Two minutes into the documentary and they already bring up a guy who did
    what he did because he wanted the appreciation of his dad (acceptance of others) and a bullied teen mass shooter.
    I fucking called it.
    "We'll accept you as long as you reject your primary strengths little boy"

    But other than that, I appreciate research and hard work, so let's keep watching this, and maybe this will turn out to have a lot of valid points. (I am watching the actual documentary on netflix right now)

    Part I dislike the most:
    Interview with a psychiatrist who expressed disdain over a kid wanting to become a venture capitalist.

  17. so basically, the core message of this documentary is "how fucking DARE men and boys be themselves?!"
    you do more lasting damage to boys when you tell them that they're broken, because their identity doesn't actually exist, and the only way for them to not victimize women is if they chop their dicks off and try to become women. sort of reminds me of "pray the gay away".

  18. Turkish subtitles please

  19. Watched This video on the "Things Feminism Has Done For Men" page on Mic. It brought a tear to my eye. It Makes me so angry to see men being put down because they "should hide their emotions," They're human beings, it's in their blood, just because they're male doesn't mean they're this cold-hearted brutal machine with no feelings.

  20. Damn….. How you gone hate on a movie made to benefit y'all and create helpful discussions. This the shit they talking about in the movie. It's literally all men talking about their own experiences and y'all in the comments talking about feminism and sjws lmao. Talk about deflecting. It's okay to feel things guys. But try looking inward rather than outward this time.

  21. Amazed by the trembling, paranoid comments to this video made by dudes trying to pass as tough. The culture war rages on lol

  22. What kind of bullshit is this? There are 8 year old boys who know what a venture capitalist is? I didn't know what a venture capitalist was until I was a senior in high school. By that time I didn't even care enough to learn more, what I wanted to be was a heavy metal rock star, a rich one to be sure, but ultimately I wanted to play music, do art, write science fiction. I also wanted to surf, but I didn't think there was money in it. Venture capitalists seemed to have a boring life style and wear boring clothes and never look like they are having fun.

    The same seemed to be true of all my friends to and we had hair that went down to the small of our backs.

    The only people with a limited view of masculinity are the people who made this crap.

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