Мир Кино (Премьеры, Отзывы, Трейлеры, Анонсы)
Pilot and Titan unite to overcome overwhelming odds in the highly anticipated Titanfall 2. Experience Titanfall 2’s brand new Single Player campaign dropping on October 28th.
Pre-order Titanfall 2 today and get access to Angel City Map 3 days early: http://x.ea.com/6467
Titanfall 2 Single Player:
Titanfall 2 Titans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHvoaAAhGno&list=PLaeNmk1THKrUUJCcKAu98owZxOof5aute&index=1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhDe315kKqY&index=1&list=PLaeNmk1THKrUHRG2DJsyXJ3d21lz6vbgf)
Titanfall 2 will be available on October 28 for the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Origin for PC
i hope my gtx750 will run this thing
It's been a while since the world got a good sci-fi game. And from the creators of Modern Warfare 1 before Activision fucked them and made them leave to make Respawn Entertainment. I can't wait for the single player component of Titanfall 2 now.
they need to amp up that recoil on that spitfire seriously im seeing u guys still haven't done that. for all that u should of left the carbine alone. its an LMG weapon with no recoil that makes no sence
Name of the trailer music, please?
inb4 we only get 3 pistols and 3 titans like the first game, hooray for lack of content!
I Love My Titanfall! This is the NEW HALO series! Respawn has listened to their fanbase (mostly) and if they did this one right, they will have a new hit series!
Holy Shit! Can we please get a movie out of this?!
Overwatch: Before the Fall
Who is the good and who is the evil, Militia or IMC
infinite warfare is better
Gundam Wing, right?
286 people were the robot that got impaled lol
fuck halo titanfall all the way halo dead now bungie moved on and there no way im going back to 343 they don't care about the fans
Why are the designers bring the smart pistol back? it's just going to help noobs be dicks again. remove the smart pistol from Titanfall 2!!!
Still can't believe it's Source Engine
Valve, it's time to learn something about your engine.
soooo hawt
Give it to me
can we please get like more weaponry and mods for them like Dule Mag or heavy different rifeling.. maybe different receivers I'd just like more of an aresonal to play with
I can't wait to play this game!!!
now i want a titan
Beautiful. ;__;