McGovern Institute video trailer
McGovern Institute video trailer

McGovern Institute video trailer

❤ 894 , Категория: Новости,   ⚑ 06 Окт 2016г

The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT is led by a team of world-renowned neuroscientists committed to meeting two great challenges of modern science: understanding how the brain works and discovering new ways to prevent and treat brain disorders.

This 2 1/2 minute video trailer, narrated by Director Robert Desimone, provides an overview of the Institute including our goals, our research interests, and our accomplishments. Key interviews include McGovern Investigators Ann Graybiel, James DiCarlo, Ki Goosens, and Nancy Kanwisher as well as Founders Patrick J. McGovern and Lore Harp McGovern.

For a more intimate tour of the Institute, watch our feature video —

For more information about the McGovern Institute, please visit our website:

To learn more about how our research is contributing to the understanding of different brain diseases —

See the original video and more on MIT TechTV here —


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