Мир Кино (Премьеры, Отзывы, Трейлеры, Анонсы)
In her first standalone film, Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) juggles an internship at Fashion Weekly magazine and a complicated relationship with boyfriend Ultron.
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ultron would be great bf. everyone just hates robots
Would love to see that!!
this is what happened with supergirl, i can't even watch that show without rolling my eyes. the writers don't know that women want a show about a female superhero that is not just sex in the city with capes and tights.
Даже Альтрону дают с его механическим членом, когда уже мне дадут?
Is that actually Scarlet Johansson?
Penis activated "Dildo successful installed".
Still a better love story than Twilight.
that's hilarious
wtf ^_^
I'm crying
what the actual fuck!?
Still waiting for this
Holy dog shit, they nailed it making Thor look like a total fudge packer, a real pillow biter, completely like a rectal ranger, to look 100% like a fudge tunnel engineer and unmistakably like a semen burper. Goddamn.
A Black Widow movie actually would be kinda cool
Marvel has yet to make a Black Widow movie, yet D.C. is planning to make Aquaman.
D.C. is making a movie about Aquaman.
Just let that sink in.
Captain America has really let himself go.
It should have been Deadpool, not ULTRON! I just think Black Widow and Deadpool would have some kind of connection, ya know! :l
"You loved Avengers age of Ultron" No that movie sucked
this is a joke
that video was funny lol
the best thing is that scarlet is actually in this.
I would fuck her every dat
Legit every movie about women is ever? I really hope marvel makes an actual movie about her tho
Marvel — We know girls
that penis joke would've been funnier with a norton anti virus alert
I'd watch the shit out of this
they actually got Scarlett Johansson for that?!
buen vidio chido like
super unfunny. I miss MadTv
Que ridículo????
Whew! I don't feel emotionally prepared to see an action/adventure movie led by a woman that's not merely the romantic interest of a man.
i know this is supposed to be funny but it just isn't.
This just ruined my life.
But where's my love? I mean Hawkeye (?